Friday, November 28, 2008

Black AnD GoLD

Woke up at 12.30pm, wasted the whole morning.. Dreamed lots of funny stuffs. One of my dream was I dream of our church's youths went to a vacation or something, wasnt too sure and we stay in a big villa house. I dont know whose house is it, all I know is that it wasnt my house. Thank God. Then, for some reason I and some youths kena chase by other church's youths..Dude, it was scaary..I remember i had to climb out of a window and went to the roof just to escape. Unfortunately, We still kena caught at last but i cant remember what happened after that. woo..

Then, played Dota and did Ms tee hmwk for an hour. Later on, mom came back and went pasar malam to buy dinner. I ate the malay chicken rice. It was great but not as good as last time. But at least gotto eat it rite? Thats all for my day, going to watch some dvd later..Till then.. enough said..

Currently tuning in to SAM SPARRO: BLACK & GOLD :)

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